Monday, September 3, 2012

12SEP03 - Current

Two posts in one night - guess that is what happens when you do not post for two weeks. Anyway, greetings from Baker Heritage Farms once again.

One update was left out from the last posting - David has now completed the hen house. The only thing left is the fencing. We will be ordering the chickens this coming spring so that we do not have to worry about heat and feed bills over the coming winter.

This Labor Day weekend was a very busy weekend on the farm.

Isaac was supposed to pay us a visit the end of this past week, but he apparently decided that a visit was not really necessary. We did receive a little rain late Friday afternoon, but nothing dramatic. It was light enough not to interfere with farm work plans for the weekend.

Saturday morning, Donald was able to mow production fields two and three. Sunday was an opportunity to go down to the fields a have a "family evening" playing in the newly mowed fields and just enjoying the evening. After relaxing and enjoying nature, we visited the test garden and harvested more produce.
Basket one of two.
 We harvested a watermelon, several patty pan squash, and cucumbers.
Basket two of two
 And more patty pan, cucumbers, and zucchini squash.
Our first pumpkin.
Cherokee Purple Tomato (Heirloom)
Our tomatoes did not produce this year - or so we thought. This one tomato was from a plant we gave up on, it had been essentially destroyed in an earlier storm. While we put cages around the rest, we did not put one around this plant as we thought it was going to die. Obviously, it survived. A little late, but at least we know we can grow them.
This watermelon had a short life - it was picked. We have not yet opened it, but plan to tomorrow night. It will be interesting to see if it is really ripe.

We have posted a lot of pictures, essentially of the same thing. However, it is important to note that the test garden is just off of where the production fields are. If you remember, we have some serious chemical deficiencies in our production fields and have no reason to believe that it is really any better in the test garden. In addition, this was virgin soil, with no additives applied. Plus, we planted late. It has been encouraging to see that, even without working the ground, we should be able to produce vegetables. We were unsuccessful with our corn, tomatoes and onions. Our beans have yet to produce but seem to be surviving. We have had an over abundance of squash, and still have numerous blossoms, so it appears more are coming. Our watermelon and pumpkin seem to be doing well, but it is still to early to determine how successful we will be.

We are very happy with the results of our test garden this year. At least all of the work was not wasted.

NOTE: We are asking readers to submit their recipes for posting, particularly those that can be used for home-grown vegetables, fruit, etc. You can submit your recipes directly to the blog (they may not show for up to one week, but they will eventually be posted) or by emailing them to We are also asking that you submit pictures if possible.

Donald was visiting relatives while on a business trip the past few weeks and, after visiting an Aunt and cousin in the Glenford, New York area, learned more about Broom Corn and gourds. We have now added these two items to our planned plantings in 2013. We plan to plant the gourds around the field fencing.

Have a great week.

Blessings from Baker Heritage Farms - Located in eastern Oklahoma.

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