Friday, April 12, 2013


Greetings from Baker Heritage Farms;

While it was stormy with plenty of rain, wind, and even some winter mix, this week, today was sunny and very nice.

Debbie and Donald were out late this morning to start working on our 'Total Farm Makeover' (part of our "ReThinking Baker Heritage Farms" program). Our 'Total Farm Makeover' will include getting the yards in shape, making them look nice for our own piece of mind, and hoping to be able to better maintain them throughout the summer.

Donald started to tackle the "mound" in our front yard. The mound has been there since we moved in. It comes from when Donald and his Dad started clearing the land, was added to when the pad for our home was put in, and further added to when the house was put in. Yes, we have been slowly burning it away, but every year it gets added to. You could consider it a burn pile; however, it is more rock now than brush. Donald wanted to have a "rock party" at the rock pile, but learned quickly that it needed to be burned first ... so he started burning it.

Rock Pile Being Burned
Debbie started picking up rock from the second rock pile we started years ago. It is in a copse of trees by our parking area and makes it difficult to mow around. Danielle, Adam, and Donald eventually joined her and we got most of the rock moved. The rock from this pile, as well as the second pile we all started working on, has been placed around the base of the chicken coop fence.

We also moved the first set of chickens into their new home (there are 13 chickens in each group and two groups for a total of 26 chickens). We are hoping to raise Wyandotte Silver Laced chickens, a heritage breed.

First Batch of Chickens in their New Home
Shortly after relocating the chickens to their new home, Spunky, Debbie's dog and our fence security consultant, found access into the chicken run so we had to make some adjustments. The rock we picked up in the front yard was placed around the base of the chicken coop fence, and Danielle added more hog rings (what we use to secure the fence to the bottom wire) to the fence.

Danielle Adding Hog Rings to the Chicken Fence
Hopefully, the chicken coop is now secure. Tonight will be the real test.

Tomorrow, the second (and last) batch of chickens will be relocated to their new home (joining the others) and the brooders will be cleaned and prepared for the arrival of the Turkeys next month.

Until next time,

Blessings from Baker Heritage Farms

"When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19:9-10

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